Macros Quickstart

Macros are names enclosed in percent signs that are that are expanded to some other text when the topic is displayed. For example, %TOPIC% is expanded to MacrosQuickStart, the title of this topic.

Some macros can take arguments in curly braces - for example, %INCLUDE{"OtherTopic" ARG="arg"}%.

Many macro definitions are built-in, and others (preference settings) are predefined for your convenience. You can also define your own preference settings at the entire site, individual web, or individual topic level. For more information, see Macros

Macros are fully expanded before any of the text formatting rules are applied.

Documentation Graphics: There are many graphics available to use in your topics. Use %ICON{"help"}%, %ICON{"tip"}%, and %ICON{"warning"}% to get: HELP, TIP, and ALERT!, respectively. DocumentGraphics lists them all.

tip To "escape" a macro, prefix it with an exclamation mark. Write: !%SOMEMACRO% to get: %SOMEMACRO%.

Topic revision: r1 - 2009-09-12 - 01:27:22 - ProjectContributor
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