
%JQPLUGINS{"innerfade" format=" Homepage: $homepage
Author(s): $author
Version: $version " }%

InnerFade is a small plugin for the jQuery-JavaScript-Library. It's designed to fade you any element inside a container in and out. These elements could be anything you want, e.g. images, list-items, divs. Simply produce your own slideshow for your portfolio or advertisings. Create a newsticker or do an animation.


JavaScript API

<ul id="news">
    <li>content 1</li>
    <li>content 2</li>
    <li>content 3</li>

<script type="text/javascript">
      Type of animation 'fade' or 'slide'
      (Default: 'fade'),

      Fading-/Sliding-Speed in milliseconds or keywords
      (slow, normal or fast) (Default: 'normal'),

      Time between the fades in milliseconds (Default: '2000'),

      Type of slideshow: 'sequence', 'random' or 'random_start'
      (Default: 'sequence'),

      Height of the containing element in any css-height-value
      (Default: 'auto'),

      CSS-Class which the container get's applied
      (Default: 'innerfade'),

      optional children selector (Default: null)

Foswiki integration

Use the jqInnerfade to mark those elements you want to generate an inner-fade for. Use metadata in the class attribute to specify further parameters.


Good Guy bad Guy Whizzkids Königin Mutter RT Hybride Archivierung TÜV SÜD Gruppe

Topic attachments
ISorted descending Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
jpgjpg km.jpg manage 13.3 K 2010-02-12 - 23:20 AdminUser Saved by install script
jpgjpg rt_arch.jpg manage 39.4 K 2010-02-12 - 23:20 AdminUser Saved by install script
jpgjpg tuev.jpg manage 36.6 K 2010-02-12 - 23:20 AdminUser Saved by install script
gifgif ggbg.gif manage 4.4 K 2010-02-12 - 23:20 AdminUser Saved by install script
gifgif whizzkids.gif manage 8.7 K 2010-02-12 - 23:20 AdminUser Saved by install script

This topic: System > JQueryPlugin > JQueryInnerFade
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-02-20 - 07:59:59 - AdminUser
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